1. Sensation and Perception

# Journal Discription
1 Aesthesiometer (Divider type)

Two point, graduated aesthesiometer, all metal electroplated.

2 Three-point Aesthesiometer (Lafayette model) Similar to Vernier's Calipers with a third point added to give the instrument more flexibility.Use of (Age group 2½ to 18 years.) the Three-Point Aesthesiometer is simplified by alternating the single and double points, therefore, eliminating the need to readjust the two-point threshold sensor after every trial.
3 Needle Holder Aesthesiometer Formeasuring pain spots.
4 Hair Aesthesiometer All metal body. This aesthesiometer is required to locate touch points.
5 Autokinetic Movement Apparatus A simple device of autokinetic movement. Different intensities of light can be used. This apparatus can be fixed on a blackboard or astand or hanged.
6 Colour Mixer (also called colour wheel) Electrically operated. Variable speed. Used for study of visual phenomena of colour peception of complementary and non-comple mentary colour development.
7 Colour Mixer with Light Other qualities as above.
8 Colour Mixer Electrically operated. Fixed speed.
9 Colour Contrast Apparatus Different colour plates are used to show the phenomenon of colour contrast. An indispensable apparatus to introduce the said phenomenon.
10 Colour Discs A set of 8 colour discs. All metal, most durable.
11 Colour Discs A set of 6 colour discs, all metal, most durable.
12 Colour Mixing by Light Half silvered mirror. Electrically adjusted. No need of separate discs.
13 Successive Contrast or After Image Appartus The phenomenon of after image can be studied. The apparatus is handy, well furnished and provides all materials required for studying the said phenomenon.
14 After Image Plates All metal (a set of six).
15 Depth Perception Apparatus The box with 3 needles provides enough room for studying the depth perception with electric bulb.
16 Lifted Weights Set (Metal) A set of 12 metal tubes with removable or fixed tops containing certain weights. Fine finish and superior quality. This is required in weight discrimination experiments in psychophysics for differential limen (DL), upper differential limen (UDL), lower differential limen (LDL) determination.
17 Muller-Lyer Illusion Figure (with stand & scale) A study and handy set of Muller Lyer Illusion figure. Horizontal type with stand to adjust the figure to the desired eye level of the subjects. Variable figure operated by smooth sliding of the figure (in front of the Experimenter) on an attached mm. scale. Fine finish and superior quality of work. (20º )
(a) both 20º + 40º in one stand.
18 Muller-Lyer Illusion Figure (with stand & scale) both 20º + 40º
19 Study of Muller-Lyer Illusion Scale (A pkt. of 100).
20 Answer sheets for Muller-Lyer Illusion (A pkt. of 100).
21 Size-Weight Illusion A set of 12 Metal Tubes.
22 Size-Weight Illusion (Collins-Drever Model) A set of 12 tubes with two standard stimuli of different weights. Fine finishing and superior quality. Supplied in a wooden handy box.
23 Vertical Horizontal Illusion T and L forms with stand and scale.
24 Optical Illusion Chart Cloth bound showing fifteen well known illusion, five each of extent, direction, and perspective.
25 Perimeter (Table Model) Used for mapping the retinal colour zones in human subjects.
26 Perimetric Chart (A packet of 100).
27 Hand Perimeter Hand operated instrument for mapping retinal colour zones in human subjects.
28 Phi-Phenomenon Apparatus Consists of two lights holding small cabins with variable positions and time exposures. Requires marcury cup metronome also, if an automatic operation of the apparatus is desired.
29 Dark Adaptation Apparatus Comprises a box through which light adaptation is done by means of a high intensity bulb first and then the intensity of a second electric bulb is minimally increased. The phenomenon of darkness adaptation can be demonstrated and a thereshold of the same can be obtained.
30 Perceptual Grouping Cards A set of two cards to evince perceptual grouping.
31 Perceptual Grouping Apparatus Electrically operated. This device uses small electric bulbs and the order of lighting them yields the perceptual grouping phenomenon.
32 Perception-Influence of Set Two sets of 12 cards, each of which contains a pair of geometrical figures. One series introducing a set and the other serving as an experimental series ideal for studying influence of set.
33 Visual Space Perception Apparatus Consists of well polished wooden box (size: 30"x12"x19"). Having two fixed up lights and a third movable one with slides in the box perpendicular to the plane formed by the two fixed uprights. A fixed scale on top of the box enables one to find errors. The inside of the box is illuminated by means of two lamps. Viewing slit is provided on the smaller end.
34 Vase and Face Figures In 5"x 5" size on sturdy, imported card board.
35 Geometrical Figures Different types of geo metrical reversible perspective figures; same size figures on same size paper board as above.
36 Temperature Cylinders All metal with ebonite handle to prevent radiation of heat. These cylinders are used for locating hot, cold and paradoxical hot and cold spots. (Centigrade thermometer and other accessories, like wa ter boiling tray, ice- container are also avail able).
37 Galton Bar It is one of the early but still very popular psychophysical experiments to demonstrate the problems of subjective (psychological) equality.
38 Whipples Weight Box Consists of 2 standard and 20 comparison weights. The weights are made out of light metal and not of card board as made by some foreign firms. Supplied with an attractive box lined with velvet to hold weights in individual compartments.
39 Brightness Discrimination Apparatus This apparatus consists of two electric bulbs, one controlled and the other of variable intensity. The intensity of the second bulb can be mini mized by operating a knob which can also be noted by the experimenter on the scale. Electrically operated on AC mains.
40 Kinaesthetic Figural After Effect Apparatus (Marietta, USA Model) This device is used for research in the active area of kinaesthetic figural after effects. In addition to KFAE work it may also be used demonstrationally, e.g., in tests on the method of adjustment or in any situation in which tactual perception of a stimulus object is of interest.
(a) Manual available.
41 Shape and Size Discrimination Apparatus (T.K.K. Japan Model). This device examines the subject's size discrimination ability relying upon his visual and tactual sensations as well as his speed of sroting. The subject inserts 50 small discs or coins. Which are different in size and thickness in five different ways, into the corresponding slit of holes as fast as possible. The practice is allowed only five times and the test is repeated twice.
42 Paired Comparison Study by N.K. Jain (Hindi/English) In this study lists of paired vegetables are provided with instruction to choose a vegetable if one is asked to show one's preference. The obtained data are analysed as per instructions in the manual.
(a) Paired vegetable sheets (A pkt. of 100)
(b) Manual
43 Colour Preference Cards A set of 8 cards of different colours. Can be exposed through gravity tachistoscope.
44 Colour Preference Wheel Used for colour preference. Using pair by pair comparison method colour preference wheel is operated.
45 Colour Preference Wheel (Electrically operated). Other qualities are as above.
46 Form Preference Cards i) A set of 8 cards of two dimensional form of the same length.
ii) A set of 8 cards of two dimensional forms of varying lengths but of same breadth.

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