18. Neuropsychological Tests

# Content Discription
465 Indian Adaptation of Folstein, Folstein & McHugh's Mini Mental State Examination (Hindi/English) by Prof. C.B. Dwivedi, Dr. R. Pandey & S. Gopaljee. This is a test for quick understanding of mental status of patients. This is a very widely used test and it is required for any study using Alzheimer's dementia or similar disorders. It takes merely a couple of minutes to complete and it offers a reliable index for ascertaining the mental status of a person suffering from dementia. Reliability has been estimated by Cronbach's Alpha and discrimination index. High range of Validity has been established against several criteria.
(a) Test Sheets (A pkt. of 100)
(b) Scoring Sheet
(c) Manual
466 Stroop Colour and Word Interfercence Test (Adult Version) by Charles J. Golden and Shawna M. Freshwater: ( 10 Booklet and one Manual).
467 Indian Adaptation of Mattis Dementia Scale by Prof. C.B. Dwivedi, Dr. R. Pandey & S. Gopaljee. This is a highly valuable test for screening a person suffering from dementia. It can not be used normal subjects below 40 years of age. It is used for ascer taining the dementia of Alzheimer's type. It is a must for all neuropsychological test batteries intending to study brain damage of aged subjects.
(a) Test Booklets (A pkt. of 100)
(b) Answer Sheet (A pkt. of 100)
(c) Scoring Key (A set)
(d) Manual
468 Indian Adaptation of Hutt's Bender Gestalt Test for Adults by Prof. C.B. Dwivedi, Dr. (Mrs.) S. Banerjee. This adaptation provides scoring instructions for 17 pathological and for the Adience Abience scale. It is highlyuseful for a quick understanding and screening of psychopathological cases. Normative data have been provided for the aforementioned 17 pathological and adience-abience scale separately.
(a) Manual
(b) Test Cards (per set)
(c) Test Sheets (A pkt. of 100)
(d) Scoring Sheet (A set)
469 Bender Gestalt Test for Children by Prof. C.B. Dwivedi. This test consists of nine designs which are presented one at a time,and the subject is asked to copy them as they are presented. The brief and nonthreatening copying task is used to reveal perceptual distortions suggesting brain damage, developmental retardation and personality characteristics.
(a) Manual
(b) Test Cards (per set)
(c) Test Sheets (A pkt. of 100)
(d) Scoring Sheets (A set)
470 Comprehensive Neuro-Psychological Battery (Adult) by Surya Gupta Based on Luria Neuropsychological Battery of diagnosis of an organic brain dysfunction. This battery contains 200 items in Hindi through 13 sub-clinical scales-motor, tactile, receptive speech expressive speech, reading, writting, arithmetic, memory, intellettual processes, right hemisphere, left hemisphere and pathognomosis. The reliability was determined by test-retest, inter rater and internal consistency methods and it was reported remarkably high. To validate this battery three groups normal controls, schizophrenics and brain damaged patients were employed. Norms are given in form of T-scores.
471 Comprehensive Neuro-Psychological Battery (Children) by Dr. Surya Gupta
472 P.G.I. Hope Scale (Hindi, 1998): by S. Sharma, S.K. Jindal, D. Behera & S.K. Verma. No. of item are 40. Age range 19-47 years. Applicability- The test can be used with Indian, adult, hindi speaking population wherever a measure of positive mental health is desired to be assessed. It can also be usefully employed to evaluate any intervention over a period of time. Repeated measures give comparative attitutdes towards lif in the form of hope. It is positively correlated with other positive measures of mental health like sense of well-being and negatively correlated with negative measures of mental health like diagnosis of an illness, physical or mental, and death anxiety. It is a well standarzied, reliable, valied, objective and useful tool in simple Hindi for clinical population.
a) Test Booklets (a pkt. of 100)
b) Manual

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