9. Achievement and Aptitude Tests

# Journal Discription
131 Educational Philosophy Achievement Test (EPAT-II) ) by Kalpalata Pandey & Meena Srivastava (Hindi): The test consists of 75 items divided into three sections. The first part contains 60 items of multiple choice type of questions having one stem question, one correct answer with three distracters. The second section consists of 5 matching type questions whereas third section consists of 10 very short answer (one word answer) type of question.
(a) Test booklets (A pkt. of 20) (b) Manual
(c) Scoring key
(d) Answer sheet (A pkt. of 100)
132 Educational Psychology Achievement Test (EPAT-I) by Kalpalata Pandey & Meena Srivastava (Hindi): The test consists of 75 items divided into three sections. The first part contains 65 items of multiple-choice type of questions having one stem question, one correct answer with three distracters. The second section consists of 5 matching type of questions whereas third section consists of 5 very short answer type of questions.
(a) Reuseable Test booklets (A pkt. of 20)
(b) Manual
(c) Scoring key
(d) Answer sheet (A pkt. of 100)
133 Study Habits and Attitudes Test By M.C. Joshi & Jagdish Pandey (Hindi): This Hindi adaptation of Brown and Holtzman's Survey of Study Habits and Attitudes carries 75 statements all rendered in first person. The statements cover the areas of place of study, comprehension, taking down of notes, method of answering examination paper, amount of time for study, selection of subjets, and preparedness. This adaptation has suggestible criterion, content and predictive validity and is a reliable measure. Tentative norms in terms of P.E. scores have been provided.
(a) Reusable Test Booklet (A Pkt. of 20)
(b) Answer Sheets ( A pkt. of 100)
(c) Manual
(d) Scoring Key.
134 Substitution Test (Hindi / English): Object symbol substitution tests for studying efficiency (A pkt. of 100).
135 Laipik Abhiyogyata Parikshan (Clerical Aptitude Test) by Kiran Gupta (Hindi): This is a battery of clerical aptitude test in Hindi. It provides seven separate measures of job in-volved in clerical work, viz., intelligence, numerical ability, language usage, classification, filing, copying & hecking. Each of these tests is separately timed. The entire testing session takes 2 hrs. and 15 min. Separate answer sheets are provided to answer the various tests of the battery, while the test booklet is reusable. The battery is suitable for use with both the sexes. Useful in a scientific selection and for promotion of clerks. It may as well be used for vocational guidance and counselling purposes.
(a) Reusable Test Booklets (A pkt. of 20)
(b) Manual
(c) Answer Sheets (A pkt. of 100)
(d) Scoring Key (A set consists of 4)
136 Nagarik Shastra Yogyata Parekeshan (Civics Achievement Test in Hindi) by Durga Srivastava (Hindi): For high school classes. This test may be used for prediction of success in examination; promotion and classification of pupils; educational and vocational guidance and comparison and selection of students for higher education. The test has a time limit of 50 min. This test of 125 items consists of five sub-tests. High marks on this test indicate a higher level of achievement while a low score is indicative of a lower level of achievement.
(a) Reusable Test Booklets (A pkt. of 20)
(b) Answer Sheets (A pkt. of 100)
(c) Manual
(d) Scoring Key
137 Achievement Test in Home Science By Indira Kapoor (Hindi): For Class X students. The test has three elements; physiology, hygiene and household management. It has high reliabilities of split-half, test-retest and the rational equivalence types. The validity has been ascertained against the criterion of examination scores and against the criterion of teachers' judgement. Three types of norms have been provided : Percentile, tannine and T-scores.
(a) Reusable Test Booklets (A pkt.of 20)
(b) Manual
(c) Answer Sheets (A Packet of 100)
(d) Scoring Key (A set of 4)
138 Hindi Achievement Test By Kalplata Pandey. This test measures achievement in Hindi among Junior High School students. It provides a measure of the comprehension, analysing, synthesizing and other abilities that persist in the students. Test is divided into 2 parts. The first part contains 20 multiple choice items having one item questions, one correct answer with three distractors. In the second part 7 major item questions are of short answer type. All the three objectives, viz., knowledge, understanding and application have been given emphasis in the ratio of 4:2:4 respectively. Test duration is of 40 minutes. It has split half reliability modified by K.R. 20 of 0.68. It has high content validity. Percentile norms have been provided.
(a) Reusable Test Booklets (A pkt. of 20)
(b) Answer Sheets (A pkt. of 100)
(c) Manual
(d) Scoring Key
139 Tower of Hanoi with Five Disks --
140 Achievement Test in Mathematics for Primary School Children By M. Asthana & K.B. Verma (Hindi): Age 6 to 11 years. No. of items 30, which cover counting, simple addition, substraction, multiplication, division, decimal and also with statements. Time 45 minutes.
(a) Test Booklets (A Pkt. of 100)
(b) Manual
141 The Need for Achievement Motivation Scale e by Aradhana Shukla (Hindi): No. of items 45. Age group 10 to 18 years. Area measure- Academic Interest, Academic Concentration, Deep study, Feeling of competition, Punctuality, Selection Intelligent Peers, Selective Discussion, Level of Aspiration, Self Confidence, Self development, Self evaluation.
(a) Test Booklets (A pkt. of 100)
(b) Manual
142 Teaching Aptitude Test (T.A.T.) By Jai Prakash and R.P. Srivastava (Hindi): This test is meant for measuring the aptitude towards teaching profession. The scale has 10 sub tests and a total of 150 items. Each subtest contains 15 items. The test has the following areas belonging to each of the ten Subtests: cooperative attitude, kindliness, patience, wide interest, fairness, moral character, discipline, optimism, scholarly taste and euthusiasm. Containing- 25 Reusable Booklet, 100 Ans. Sheets, Scoring Key and Manual.
143 Teaching Aptitutde Test Battery by Shamim Karim & A.K. Dixit (Hindi): No. of items are 80. Age group 19 to 33 years.
(a) Test Booklets (a pkt. of 25)
(b) Answer sheets (a pkt. of 100)
(c) Manual
144 Teaching Aptitude Scale By Sanjay Vohra (English). This test has 119 items. It measure aptitude in eight areas: communication, intelligence, maturity, perceptive, persistence receptive, social warmth & teaching interest. This test is for teachers, and takes 40 minutes to complete.
a) Reusable Booklets: (Pkt. of 25)
b) Answer Sheets (Pkt. of 100)
c) Profile Sheets: (Pkt. of 100)
d) Scoring Key
e) Manual
145 Duncan’s Sales Aptitude Test (Indian adpaptation) by Sanjay Vohra (English) This test has been designed to help in appraising sales ability, potential in selecting sales personnel. It provides an objective measure of one important aspect of sales aptitude, namely knowledge and understanding of basic principles of selling. This test is for 18 years and above, and takes about 20 minutes to complete.
a) Test booklets (Pkt. of 25)
b) Answer Sheet (Pkt. of 100)
c) Scoring key
d) Manual
146 Mechanical Aptitude Tests Battery (MATB) By Atmananda Sharma (Hindi/English): time 25 min. Age 13 to 17 years. Class VIII to XII.
Test-I: Mechanical Knowledge-Measures ‘knowledge of tools’ of children.Non-Verbal and culture free. Directions and Examples.
Test-II: Mechanical Comprehension- measures factor ‘M’ of children. Non-Verbal and culture free.
Test-III: Space Relations- Measures Factors ‘S’ spatial visualisation of children. Non-Verbal and culture free.
Test-IV: Form Relations-measures factor ‘p’; perceptual ability and inductive reasoning of children.
Test-V: Mechanical Adaptability-Measures background in the field of science, scientific applications and related activities of children

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