2. Learning and Conditioning

# Journal Discription
47 Conflict Board With step down transformmer and a pad of 84 sheets along with instrction sheets for demonstrating experimentally the reactions to (1) Approach-Avoidance, (2) Approach-Approach (3) Avoidance-Avoidance and (4) Double Approach-Avoidance situatiions.
(a) Manual for the above..
48 Card Sorting Square Tray A 4"x4" square tray has been specially designed to eliminate space error on changing the position of the tray. The pigeon-hole numbers can be changed into four different patterns simply by changing the position of the movable plywood back of the tray, fine finish and superior quality work.
49 Card sorting 4"x 3" Tray Other qualities as above.
50 Card Sorting 3"x 3" Tray Other qualities as above.
51 Card Sorting 4"x 2" Tray Other qualities as above.
52 Electric Maze (Human Maze ) Two designs on the same maze (one for the experimenter and the other for the subject alternately). Teak wood, light or sound signals for counting errors. Impulse counter can also be used. Specially planned according to the designs of the mazes to plot the procedure and progress of learning from trial to trial. 420 points.
(a) Ebonite stylus
(b) Electrically operated
(c) Electrically With 6 Digits error counter
(d) Electronics with digital timer & counter.
(e) Record Blanks. For mazes 1 and 2, (A pkt. of 100).
53 Electric Maze with Stylus (Human Maze) Finished with good polish, having 219 brass contacts and a binding post. Supplied with ebonite hand stylus.
54 Punch Board Maze A new type of experi mental design for learning, showing influence of knowledge of results as well. Made of teak wood using paper record sheets.
55 Punch Board Maze Electric with 6 Digits Error Counter operated : Other qualities as above, with stylus.
56 Punch Board Maze (Electrically operated): Other qualities as above, with stylus.
57 Verbal Maze (in Hindi) Booklets for the study of learning, using verbal materials. A packet of 50 with instruction sheets.
(a) Form A
(b) Form B
58 Finger Maze All zinc metal, operated by finger or stylus. Elevated path, two types, superior quality and fine finish.
59 Stylus For the above.
60 Learning by Recognition Method A set of 35 cards with instruction sheets.
61 Slot Maze designed, completely controlled pathways in direction to eliminate bias. Stylus is used. Fine quality and excellent finish.
62 Substitution : Letter Digit Sheets
(A pkt. of 100)

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