11. Intelligence Test Verbal Performance

# Content Discription
168 Group Test of Intelligence By M.C. Joshi (Hindi): This is a verbal spiralomnibus type of point scale. It is standardized on 4000 students of 12 to Adult College level sample. The test is reusable. Separate single page answer sheet is used. Time 20 min. Manual is also in Hindi.
(a) Reusuable Test Booklets (a pkt. of 20)
(b) Answer Sheets (a pkt. of 100)
(c) Manual of Instruction and Norms
(d) Hand scoring Keys.
169 Verbal Test of Intelligence By M. Asthana and K.B. Verma (Hindi / English): This test covers eight areas of general mental ability, viz, best answer, reasoning, similar, opposite, analogy, mathematical series, mathematiical instruction and classification.Norms have been prepared age-wise. Age 13 to 21 years. Time 20 min no. of item 100.
(a) Resuable Test Booklets (A pkt. of 20)
(b) Answer sheets (A pkt. of 100)
(c) Manual
(d) Scoring key (Stencil type)
170 Group Test of General Mental Ability by S. Jalota (Hindi). Age 10 to 17 years.
(a) Resuable Test Booklets (A pkt. of 25)
(b) Answer Sheet (A pkt. of 100)
(c) Manual
(d) Scoring Key
171 Group Test of General Mental Ability by S. Jalota: (English): It is a point scale of general ability for college educated adults.
(a) Resuable Test Booklets (A pkt. of 20)
(b) Answer Sheet (A pkt. of 100)
(c) Manual
(d) Scoring Key
172 General Intelligence Test by S.M. Mohsin (Hindi) No. of Item 156 Manual in Hindi.
(a) Resuable Test Booklets (A pkt. of 25)
(b) Answer Sheet (A pkt. of 100)
(c) Manual
(d) Scoring Key
173 The Southend Test of Intelligence : (English) (a) Test Booklets (A pkt. of 100)
(b) Manual
(c) Practice Sheets (A pkt. of 100)
174 The Kingston Test of Intelligence (En glish) M.E. Hebron (M.E. Highfield) for ages 10-13. Time 33 minutes.
(a) Test Form A:8 pp. and Practice Test Sheet (in packet of 25 copies).
(b) Test Form B:8 pp. and Practice Test Sheet (in packets of 25 copies).
(c) Manual and Key for Test Forms A & B.
175 Non Verbal Group Test of Intelligence for Children by M.C. Joshi and R.B. Tripathi: (Hindi): Age 8 to 13 years and III to VII grade groups. This group nonverbal battery contains four sub-tests, viz., classification, pattern completion, analogies and arrangement. 30 items have been kept in each subtest. Norms have been prepared on Agegrade wise, linear standard scores, T-Scales normalized percentile scale, and in terms of P.E. (for transformed standard scores or TScores). May be used individually or in groups.
(a) Test Booklets (A pkt. of 50)
(b) Manual.
176 Non-Verbal Intelligence Test by Atmanand Sharma: Its measures ‘g’ of children age 11 to 16 years, Grades VI to X. It is culture free. Working time 25 minutes.
(a) Test Booklets (A pkt. of 10)
(b) Answer Sheets ( A pkt. of 100)
(c) Manual
(d) Scoring Key
177 Emotional Intelligence Test (for Adolescents) By Meena Jain & Madhu Jain (Hindi / English): Age group 16 to 20 years. No. of items 100. The test consist of 18 scales - Life Events, Satisfaction, Emotional Self Awareness, Emotional Expression, Emotional awareness of others, Intentionality, Creativity, Resillence, Interpsersonal Connections, Construcive Discountent, Compassion, Out Look, Intuition, Trust Radius, Personal Power, Integrity, General Health, Physical, Behavioural, Emotional, Quality of Life.
(a) Booklets (A pkt. of 100)
(b) Manual
178 Emotional Intelligence Test by Dr. Rakesh Pandey (Hindi/English).The scale is based on the most widely used and scientifically validated ability model of emotional intelligence proposed by Mayer and Salovey. It is a 57-items self report measure that provides a quick assessment of the four dimensions of emotional intelligence, (a) Perception, appraisal and expression of emotion (b) Emotional facilitation of thinking (c) Understanding and analyzing emotions, employing emotiotional knowledge (d) Reflctive regulation of emotion to prompte emotional and intellectual intellectual growth. The scale has been validated on a wide range of population and may be administered to any age group capable of comprehending verbal expressions. However, the authors have tried this scale on adolescents and adults and found it reliable and valid. The scale can be used in clinical setting as well as in the area of health psychology, educational psychology, and other areas of psychological investigations that focus on the role of the ability to understand, manage and utilize emonations for personal growth and well being.
(a) Test Booklets (A pkt. of 100)
(b) Manual
179 Emotional Intelligence Scale by Udham Singh & K.Ozha (Hindi/English): Age group 15 to 30 years. No. of item 46. Dimension measure in this test are - knowing and managing our emotions, motivatiting ourself, knowing others emotions, handling re lationship with others.
(a) Test Booklets (A pkt. of 100)
(b) Manual
180 Emotional Intelligence Scale By S. Mathur (Hindi / English): No. of Item 40. Age group 14 to 24 yeaes. It measure five areas namelyself awareness, self-regulation, self-motivation, empathy and social skills.
181 Social Intelligence Test by S. Mathur By S. Mathur (Hindi / English): No. of item 50. Age range 14 to 50 years
182 Davids Battery of Differential Abilities By Sanjay Vohara (DBDA) (English) (Indian Adaptation): There are eight sub-tests in DBDA-Revised, each designed to measure a single primary ability factor. Each ability factor contributes to a measure of ability important in industrial settings, career and vocational counseling. The tests in the battery may be used individually or in a combination. The tests include, Verbal ability, Numerical ability, Spatial ability, Closure (i.e., Perceptual completion ability), Mechanical ability, Psychomotor ability, Reasoning ability and Clerical ability. This test is for 14 years and above and takes about 60 min to complete.10 R.B. Each 10x8=80, 100 Answer Sheet, 100 ability Graph Sheet, 1 Set Scoring Keys & one Manual.
183 Culturefair (Free) Intelligence Scale Indian Print by Kapoor, Rao & Singh/ Cattell and Cattell (Indian Adaptation) They minimmise cultural bias. These may be administertered individually or in a group . They may be used to identify learning problems of individuals and assess applicant’s potential to perform job relevant tasks.
(a) Scale I (English) (CFIS-I): for 4 to 8 years and older retardates. Time - 25 minutes. Norms Mental age and I.Q.
(b) Scale II (English/Hindi) (CFIS-II E): for 8 to 14 years and average I.Q. Adults.Either it contains four sub tests involving different perceptual tasks. Complleting series, classifying, solving matries and evaluating conditions.Time taken 15 minutes.
(C)Scale III (English/Hindi) (CFIS-III E): for 14 years and above i.e. senior secondary, college and high I.Q. adults. By employing four distinct tasks, the composite intelligence measure avoids reliance on a single skill. The scale is recommended when testing better educated or more intelligent individuals, because of the higher difficulties level of items and a greater refinement in the higher intelligence ranges.
184 Developmental Screening Test By J. Bharat Raj: It is designed to measure mental development of children from 0 to 15 years.
185 Developmental Assessment Scale (DASII) by Pramila Pathak (English): (Revision of 1970 Baroda norms from birth to 30 months on BSID-RF61, with indigenous materials) DASII scale consists of 67 items for measurement of motor development and 163 items for mental development. All the items independently evaluate two basic aspects of development, namely, Motor Development and Mental Development. This test can be used among the children from birth to 30 months of age.
186 Gessells Drawing Test of Intelligence By S. Venkatesan: A test of intelligence for Indian children with mental retardation hearing impairement and other development disabilities. Age range 18 months to 144 months.
187 Bhatia Battery Performance Test of Intelligence by C.M. Bhatia (Age 11 to 16 )
188 Mallin’s Test of Intelligence for Children: Age 5 to 15 years. (Performance Type)
189 Indian Adpatation of Binet-Simon Scale By P. Ramlingaswmay: (English): (Performance Type)
190 Stanford Binet Test of Intelligence By S.K.Kulshrestha: (Indian Adpatation) Age 3.5 to 14 years. Manual in Hindi.
191 Binet Kamat Test of Intelligence (BKT) By S.K. Kulshrestha: Complete kit (cards are in Marathi & Kannada). Age group 3 to 16 years.
192 Binet Simon Scale Hindi Adaptation (BSSHA–K): Manual in Hindi. Age group 2½ to 18 years.
193 Alexander's Pass Along Test (Age 10+) Complete set with Duco painted material and design cards contained in a wooden or plastic box.with Record Sheets (pads of 50 each) and Manual.
194 Cube Construction Test Complete set with Duco painted material and models in wooden or plastic box with record sheets (pad of 50 each) with Manual
195 Koh’s Block Design Test Age 10 years and above. Complete set with Duco painted material and 17 design cards in plastic box with record sheets (pads of 50 each) and Manual.
196 Knox's Cubes Age 4 to 19 years. Duco painted 1" X 1" X 1" size with instruction sheet. (set of 6 Block).
197 Manikin Test Six pieces representing six major parts of the human body to be fitted together to make a conventionalized figure of a man.
198 Hand Test Same principles for fitting parts to make a hand.
199 Head Test Same principles for fitting parts to make a head.
200 Two Figure Form Board with Manual In this form board a square and a cross are each divided into four pieces to be fitted together with nine pieces. The test is used as a puzzle test for the subject.
201 Dearborn Form Board with Manual Contains the form board with 12 designs of different types. Two wooden blocks used as stimuli are to be placed in them. Measures efficiency skill.
202 Pintner-Patterson Five Figures s by Rudulf Pintner and Patterson: With manual. Contains eleven wooden blocks and five figures. The blocks are to be fitted in figures. May be used to measure quick performanceand learning.
203 The Porteus Maze Test t by S.D. Porteus: Non Verbal. Age wise. For ages 3-4, 5-6, 7- 8, 9-10, 11-12, 14, 15 and upward. (a) Mazes: The test consists of twelve mazes eleven for children, graded in difficulty from 2-14 years (excluding 13 years), and one for 15 years and upward.
(b) A pad consists of 100 of any one of the above mazes.
(c) Scoring Sheets : pad of 100
(d) Manual : 64 pp.
204 Seguin Form Board with Manual Age 3 to 11 years. This form board contains ten recesses. The pieces to be used are removed by the tester and the subject is asked to put them back as fast as he can. Three trials are allowed and the fastest time required by the subject to fit the pieces into recesses be comes S's score. One of the earliest form boards, this is still very widely used. Teak wood make with fine finish. pieces into recesses becomes S's score. One of the earliest form boards, this is very widely used. Teak wood make with fine finish.
205 Healy's Form Bord --
206 Seguin-Goddard Form Board With Sylvester's extension.
207 Pintner-Patterson Short Scale of Performance Test By Rudolf Pintner & Patterson: This scale comprises 10 sub-tests and is use ful for retesting or such other purposes. Complete with materials for all 10 sub-tests.
208 Test for Vocabulary Measurement By C.B. Dwivedi (Hindi/English)
(a) Test Booklets (A pkt. of 100)
(b) Manual
209 General Mental Alterness for Secondary Level by Sudha Kumari & Shafeeqa Bano (Hindi/English): In this test 44 items based on arithmetic reasoning, definitions, number series and same and opposite.For IX & X class.
(a) Test Booklets ( a pkt. of 100)
(b) Manual

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